May 15, 2023

5 Creative Ways to Bring More Meditation & Mindfulness into Your Life

5 Creative Ways to Bring More Meditation & Mindfulness into Your Life

Vibrant Health

5 Creative Ways to Bring More Meditation & Mindfulness into Your Life

MAY 11, 2023

May is National Meditation Month — with a focus on raising awareness of the age-old practice of meditation. Whether you’ve never meditated before or your routine could use a little refresh, now is a great time to go inward and practice more mindfulness.  

If you’re weary of trying it out as sitting cross-legged in silence for an extended period of time is not for you, that’s OK. There are many different ways to meditate, and it doesn’t have to look the same for everyone. That’s why this week on the Vibrant Health blog we’re sharing five creative ways to bring more meditation and mindfulness into your life.  

5 Unique Ways to Practice Meditation   

  1. Do a Tea Meditation   
  2. Book a Wellness or Yoga Retreat  
  3. Go on a Walking Meditation Outside  
  4. Bring Visualization into Your Practice  
  5. Try 5 Finger Breathing  

1. Do a Tea Meditation  

If you’re a tea drinker, this one’s for you! Next time you cozy up with your favorite beverage, transform it into a special meditative experience.   

The entire process of a tea meditation can be deeply reflective from start to finish — from choosing your tea blend and heating the water to feeling the steam on your face and igniting all your senses as you sip your tea mindfully. Here’s a simple step-by-step Tea Meditation guide by The Cup of Life to try it yourself!  

2. Book a Wellness or Yoga Retreat  

If you prefer being around others and enjoy the community aspect of spirituality, consider booking a wellness or yoga retreat. Many retreats include some form of meditation to help you go inward and deepen your practice.  

If not, design your own meditation routine on the retreat — such as sitting under a tree each morning to reflect as the sun rises or enjoying your meals in silence for a truly mindful dining experience.  

3. Go on a Walking Meditation Outside 

If you don’t like sitting still and enjoy being outside in nature, a walking meditation would be ideal for you! Also known as “forest bathing,” a walking meditation is exactly as it sounds — a slow, mindful walk outside surrounded by nature.  

Bonus: studies have shown that walking meditation can help relieve stress to boot. Do your best to unplug and limit distractions so you can fully immerse yourself in the journey!  

4. Bring Visualization into Your Practice  

Sometimes thoughts can be distracting, and it may be difficult to quiet your mind for meditation. That’s when guided meditations with imagery or visualization can be extremely helpful. It can be as simple as laying on a blanket looking at the clouds passing by outside or trying a Guided Imagery meditation from Insight Timer.   

5. Try Five Finger Breathing  

Five Finger Breathing is an incredibly simple yet effective way to practice breathing and meditation — both for kids and adults alike! Simply hold up your hands, and trace each finger — breathing in as you trace up and breathing out as you trace down. This relaxing breathing technique is especially helpful for slowing down and being in the moment.  


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